Surfing at Hoya!

Day 1

Your certified instructor will explain how the beach works. In the Landes, each spot has its own particularities that you need to understand. You'll find out how to identify bays and sandbanks so that you can position yourself correctly, according to your level, avoiding potentially dangerous spots. 

You'll also learn where to position yourself on the board, and how to straighten up properly so that you can glide through the foam. And at the end of the lesson, you'll learn which position to adopt to keep your balance once you're up on your feet!

Day 2

In the second class, you'll have the opportunity to improve your straightening technique. Then you'll learn how to select the right foams. Finally, your teacher will help you to understand the role of the back foot and the front foot. 

Day 3

At this stage of your training, you'll become familiar with the techniques for turning left and right. Your instructor will guide you through the execution of the weight transfers and provide corrections throughout the session to optimise your skills. By the end of this course, you will be autonomous in the foams.

Day 4

You're now ready to make the transition from a foam to a smooth wave! This transition is crucial and requires a number of essential elements: an efficient paddle, good positioning, the right timing and finally a controlled descent.

Day 5

You've still got a lot to discover about surfing... However, you're just about ready to stand on your own two feet, with your board under your arm! 

Once you've passed the helm (which is no easy task), you won't be alone out there. That's why your instructor will teach you the rules of priority. He or she will also guide you in the correct positioning at sea, enabling you to catch a wave and finally achieve the grail: maintaining your balance while making left and right turns.

Come and learn new things with us, experience as many sensations as possible and, above all, have fun!

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